Leaving on a Jet Plane

And we're off.  First stop is Haddon Heights NJ where will we meet our group and take a shuttle to Newark Airport.   Our flight leaves at 6:05 PM on Wednesday evening and we'll arrive in London at 6:15 AM on Thursday.  Then we board a flight to Tel Aviv arriving at 3:00 PM Israeli time.

In Tel Aviv, we'll meet our guide, George Stephan, and board a bus to Northern Israel.  Depending on timing of flights, we may make stops along the way to our hotel in Nazareth.   We'll be traveling along the beautiful Mediterranean coast.

Newark Airport
Our view for awhile
British Airways
Airport in Tel Aviv

Roman aqueduct 
Roman amphitheater at Caesarea Maritimea
Mediterranean Coast

After a long day we arrive at our hotel in Nazareth where we will spend three nights before Jerusalem becomes the base for the rest of our pilgrimage.  Israel is very modern, so the hotels we are staying at are very nice.  The Legacy is located in the middle of town near the Basilica of the Annunciation so it will be very convenient for the Northern part of our tour.

Hotel Entrance
Dining Room


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