About this Blog

On our first trip without kids in 2010, we went to Yellowstone, we visited three states and 6 national parks traveling over 1,200 miles.  It was a complicated road trip that required a lot of planning.   We decided to use a blog to help us learn about what we would see and to help keep the kids back home informed of what we were doing.  

We don't do this on every vacation, but only on our special trips.  

At the beginning of the blog you will find our itinerary and some introductory posts.  Then for each day of the trip there is usually one post before the day telling you what we will see, followed by another post with our actual pictures of that day.  Occasionally there will be an extra post featuring something that was of interest to us.   

Israel is 7 hours ahead of the US east coast time zone, so there will be a little bit of a lag.  We think we are going to have internet access each day, but one can never tell.

I'm a bit of a history buff so these are going to be chock full of history.  It helps us in planning and helps make sure we don't miss anything.  If you're not into history, you can skim them or just look for the ones with our pictures.

Not only does the blog help us in learning what we will see, but it also helps in making sure we don't miss unique or special figures.

Notice anything special about the picture? If you look closely there is a ladder up against one of the windows. If we did not read up on it, we would not know its incredible history. This ladder has been up against the window of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre since at least 1852. The church is managed by no less than 6 Christian denominations and sadly there have been numerous fights over its custody and care. In 1853 Sultan Abdulmecid I of the Ottoman Empire issued a status quo decree that said that everything had to stay the same unless all 6 agreed.

By following along we hope that you will also be on pilgrimage with us as we travel in the footsteps of Jesus in the holiest place on earth.   If you have prayer intentions, please send them to us.  


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